My Own Private Idaho

A place for writing, art, and other multimedia. Maxwell Kline lives here. The rent is a little under 6 bucks a year.



or THE SCIENCE OF WORK based upon the truths drawn from the Science of Nature

AN OUTLINE OF ERGONOMICS, Or THE SCIENCE OF WORK based upon the truths drawn from the Science of Nature by Wojciech Jastrzębowski. Published in Poland, (and in Polish,) originally within a series of journal articles, all from 1857.

This paper includes the first instance of the term “Ergonomics”.

Ergonomics is the study of human efficiency in working circumstances. Ergonomics seeks to increase efficiency and productivity of a worker, for a higher power, or in most cases, an employer. Jastrzębowski dreams of workers in units of standard measurement.

The download link below is the first instance of the full English text’s online availability. (In my research I stumbled across a Japanese edition, and it’s also available here for further dissemination.) I was not able to find any examples of the full english text anywhere online.

I have no rights to the work, and I have secured it through strange means that I will not detail. Do what you please with the file. (Email me with any questions, comments, or concerns.)

I apologize for the blurry state of the scan. (I did not scan it myself, but I cannot overstate how grateful I am to my collaborator who did.)

Expect derivatives on this subject, I plan on engaging heavily with this material in the future.

1857’s AN OUTLINE OF ERGONOMICS, Or THE SCIENCE OF WORK based upon the truths drawn from the Science of Nature, by Wojciech Jastrzębowski:

English PDF

Japanese PDF