My Own Private Idaho

A place for writing, art, and other multimedia. Maxwell Kline lives here. The rent is a little under 6 bucks a year.



     A derivative is a beautiful copying. It’s relying on source material as influence and inspiration. Either through unconscious osmosis, or direct intent; material is borrowed, used, changed, deliberated upon, maintained, maintenanced; stolen.

     Limitations exist: it’s a matter of who is deriving what/when/why. Derivatives are not ‘conceptualism’. Derivatives build on previous work, and do not co-opt. Think homage, ekphrasis, documentary. Derivatives are a love letter to the source, and in many cases rely on permission from and acknowledgement. Again, derivatives are not ‘conceptualism’.

     Whether recognized or not, all writing/work/movement/expression is derivative. Derivatives are a recognition that new work does not exist. Derivatives study rate of change; tracking how much/fast, why, for, etc. Derivatives are often representative of cyclicity.


     What will follow downstream (both via the tab on this website, and perhaps through future non-digital media) are earmarks and followings of thought, a series of source materials, close readings, examinations, and derivatives (and derivatives of derivatives). I am seeking to create and elaborate through derivative processes. I invite and welcome further derivatives.