My Own Private Idaho

A place for writing, art, and other multimedia. Maxwell Kline lives here. The rent is a little under 6 bucks a year.


Witch Hazel

I adapted this from Björk’s “Sun in My Mouth,” off of her 2001 album, Vespertine. “Sun in My Mouth”, is in turn based off of E.E. Cummings’ poem, “Crepuscule”.

For my new friend:

my thighs are steeped
in burning flowers
sun in my mouth
alive w/closed eyes
the sleeping curves
of your body
fingers of smooth mastery
the mystery of my flesh

(An edit of all three pieces from my radio show, The Pointless Forest, on KPSU:)

Clumps of yellow flowers on branches of criss-crossing Witch Hazel.