My Own Private Idaho

A place for writing, art, and other multimedia. Maxwell Kline lives here. The rent is a little under 6 bucks a year.

November 2023


Get a copy of LURCH Issue 2: RABBIT HOLE, and hold my piece in your hands!

(In the below scan I’ve blurred the art piece above my poem as I don’t have artist permission to share. Get a copy if you want to see! ;D )


This piece has previously been rejected by:

The Ekphrastic Review

We enjoyed your work and style but we seldom publish after cinema. Our ekphrastic focus is quite narrow for practical reasons, not because we don’t love all the arts.

Split Lip Magazine

…it isn’t a good fit for us at this time.

The Gravity of the Thing

We are unable to accept your work at this time, but we certainly appreciate your writing and your interest in our journal.